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Англо-русский словарь по электронике - bite


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Перевод с английского языка bite на русский


1) захват; схват; зацепление; зажим || захватывать; схватывать; зацеплять; зажимать

2) травление; разъедание || травить; разъедать

3) (небольшой) фрагмент (напр. текста); (короткий) эпизод (напр. телефильма); (короткая) цитата

4) вчт. белое пятно (брак печати)

5) укус; след укуса || кусать

6) см. byte

mouse bitessound bite

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См. в других словарях

  1) зажатие; захватывание || зажимать; захватывать2) закусывание || закусывать3) врезание || врезать, врезаться4) прорезание; прошивание || прорезать; прошивать5) поверхность трения6) разъедание; коррозия || разъедать; корродировать•to bite into the workpiece — закусывать заготовки ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  back воздерживаться от чего-л. Peter was about to tell the secret but he bit his words back. BITE  1. noun  1) укус  2) след укуса  3) клев (рыбы)  4) кусок (пищи) without bite or sup - не евши не пивши  5) завтрак, легкая закуска to have a bite - перекусить, закусить  6) острота, едкость  7) травление (при гравировке)  8) med. прикус  9) tech. зажатие, сцепление  2. v.  1) кусать(ся); жалить to bite into - вцепляться, вгрызаться People with false teeth find it difficult to bite into apples. to bite on - вгрызаться во что-л. зубами Babies who are getting new teeth like something hard to bite on.  2) клевать (о рыбе)  3) колоть, рубить (саблей)  4) жечь (о перце, горчице и т.п.)  5) щипать, кусать (о морозе)  6) травить, разъедать (о кислотах) (обыкн. bite in)  7) язвить, колоть  8) принять, ухватиться (за предложение)  9) pass. попадаться, поддаваться обману  10) tech. сцепляться the wheels will not bite - колеса скользят the brake will not bite - тормоз не берет - bite back - bite into - bite off - bite on to bite off more than one can chew - взяться за непосильное дело; переоценить свои силы to bite the dust/ground/sand -  а) быть убитым;  б) падать ниц; быть поверженным во прах быть побежденным to bite ones thumb at smb. obs. - высказать свое презрение кому-л. to bite someones head off - сорвать зло на ком-л. bite ones tongue off - прикусить язык BITE off откусывать The dog seized the meat and bit a piece off. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. укус 2. рана или след от укуса the bite became infected —- рана от укуса инфицировалась 3. клев (рыбы) he had been fishing all the morning but hadn't had a single bite —- он все утро удил рыбу, но у него ни разу не клюнуло 4. кусок (пищи) without bite or sup —- не пивши, не евши 5. легкая закуска to have a bite —- перекусить; закусить 6. острая боль the bite of the wound —- боль от раны 7. острота (ощущения) the bite of his sarcasm —- жало его сарказма 8. отравление (при гравировке) 9. уст. шулер; жулик 10. мед. прикус 11. тех. зажатие, сцепление 12. ам. разг. сумма денег (в счет какого-л платежа) the local tax took a large bite out of his salary —- ему пришлось отвались большой кусок зарплаты в уплату местного налога Id: to put the bite on smb. —- ам. сл. (пытаться) занять денег у кого-л 13. кусать, жалить 14. кусаться 15. надкусывать, пробовать 16. клевать, брать приманку 17. разг. попадаться на удочку, поддаваться обману we were bitten when we bought that old car —- при покупке подержанной машины нас надули 18. причинять боль 19. жечь (о перце, горчице) 20. щипать (о морозе) 21. разъедать (о кислотах) 22. язвить, говорить колкости 23. сл. ухватиться (за предложение) I hoped she would be interested in my plan, but she didn't bite —- я надеялся заинтересовать ее своим планом, но она на него не клюнула 24. редк. колоть, рубить...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) укус; кусать(ся); жалить 2) след укуса 3) клёв (рыбы); клевать (о рыбе) 4) кусок (пищи) 5) прикус 6) травить; разъедать (о кислотах) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) с.-х. выпас 2) разг. изъятия - bite of taxes ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) захват; прихват захватывать, прихватывать; зажимать 2) разъедать 3) травить, протравливать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) захват; зажим захватывать; зажимать; зацеплять 2) зазор (между валками) 3) раствор, зев (валков) 4) количество материала, захватываемого за один приём (напр. ковшом экскаватора) 5) губка тисков 6) машиностр. врезание; прорезание; прошивание врезать(ся); прорезать; прошивать 7) полигр. травление; этап травления травить 8) воздействие растворителя (на пластик) 9) разъедать 10) сил. нахлёст 11) сцепление (шин с поверхностью дороги) 12) швейн. расстояние между иглами (на машине) - heavy bite - mouse bites - roll bite BITE сокр. от built-in test equipment встроенные средства диагностики; аппаратура системы встроенного контроля ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. (past bit; past part. bitten) 1 tr. cut or puncture using the teeth. 2 tr. (foll. by off, away, etc.) detach with the teeth. 3 tr. (of an insect, snake, etc.) wound with a sting, fangs, etc. 4 intr. (of a wheel, screw, etc.) grip, penetrate. 5 intr. accept bait or an inducement. 6 intr. have a (desired) adverse effect. 7 tr. (in passive) a take in; swindle. b (foll. by by, with, etc.) be infected by (enthusiasm etc.). 8 tr. (as bitten adj.) cause a glowing or smarting pain to (frostbitten). 9 intr. (foll. by at) snap at. --n. 1 an act of biting. 2 a wound or sore made by biting. 3 a a mouthful of food. b a snack or light meal. 4 the taking of bait by a fish. 5 pungency (esp. of flavour). 6 incisiveness, sharpness. 7 = OCCLUSION 3. Phrases and idioms bite back restrain (one's speech etc.) by or as if by biting the lips. bite (or bite on) the bullet sl. behave bravely or stoically. bite the dust sl. 1 die. 2 fail; break down. bite the hand that feeds one hurt or offend a benefactor. bite a person's head off colloq. respond fiercely or angrily. bite one's lip see LIP. bite off more than one can chew take on a commitment one cannot fulfil. once bitten twice shy an unpleasant experience induces caution. put the bite on US sl. borrow or extort money from. what's biting you? sl. what is worrying you? Derivatives biter n. Etymology: OE bitan f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (bit; bitten; also bit; biting)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English bitan; akin to Old High German bizan to ~, Latin findere to split  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to seize especially with teeth or jaws so as to enter, grip, or wound  b. to wound, pierce, or sting especially with a fang or a proboscis  2. to cut or pierce with or as if with an edged weapon  3. to cause sharp pain or stinging discomfort to  4. to take hold of  5. archaic to take in ; cheat  intransitive verb  1. to ~ or have the habit of biting something  2. of a weapon or tool to cut, pierce, or take hold  3. to cause irritation or smarting  4. corrode  5.  a. of fish to take a bait  b. to respond so as to be caught (as by a trick)  c. to accept a suggestion or an offer offered them a deal but they wouldn't ~  6. to take or maintain a firm hold  7. to produce a negative effect the recession began to ~  8. slang to be objectionable or extremely bad in quality ; stink, suck  • ~r noun  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1.  a. the act of biting  b. the manner of biting; especially occlusion 1b  2. food: as  a. the amount of food taken at a ~ ; morsel  b. a small amount of food ; snack have a ~ to eat  3. archaic  a. cheat, trick  b. sharper  4. a wound made by biting  5. the hold or grip by which friction is created or purchase is obtained  6. a surface that creates friction or is brought into contact with another for the purpose of obtaining a hold  7.  a. a keen incisive quality  b. a sharp penetrating effect  8. a single exposure of an etcher's plate to the corrosive action of acid  9. an amount taken usually in one operation for one purpose ; share  10. sound ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (bites, biting, bit, bitten) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you bite something, you use your teeth to cut into it, for example in order to eat it or break it. If an animal or person bites you, they use their teeth to hurt or injure you. Both sisters bit their nails as children... He bit into his sandwich... He had bitten the cigarette in two... Llamas won’t bite or kick. VERB: V n, V into n, V n adv/prep, V 2. A bite of something, especially food, is the action of biting it. He took another bite of apple... You cannot eat a bun in one bite. N-COUNT: oft N of n • A bite is also the amount of food you take into your mouth when you bite it. Look forward to eating the food and enjoy every bite. N-COUNT 3. If you have a bite to eat, you have a small meal or a snack. (INFORMAL) It was time to go home for a little rest and a bite to eat. N-SING: a N, usu N to-inf 4. If a snake or a small insect bites you, it makes a mark or hole in your skin, and often causes the surrounding area of your skin to become painful or itchy. We were all badly bitten by mosquitoes. VERB: V n, also V 5. A bite is an injury or a mark on your body where an animal, snake, or small insect has bitten you. Any dog bite, no matter how small, needs immediate medical attention. N-COUNT: oft n N 6. When an action or policy begins to bite, it begins to have a serious or harmful effect. As the sanctions begin to bite there will be more political difficulties ahead... The recession started biting deeply into British industry. VERB: V, V prep/adv 7. If an object bites into a surface, it presses hard against it or cuts into it. There may even be some wire or nylon biting into the flesh... VERB: V prep/adv, also V, V n 8. If you say that a food or drink has bite, you like it because it has a strong or sharp taste. ...the addition of tartaric acid to give the wine some bite. N-UNCOUNT c darkgreen]approval 9. If the air or the wind has a bite, it feels very...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v past tense bit, past participle bitten 1 »WITH YOUR TEETH« to cut or crush something with your teeth  (Be careful! My dog bites. | Do you bite your fingernails?) + into/through  (biting into a juicy apple | They had to bite through the rope to escape. | bite sth off)  (a man whose arm had been bitten off by an alligator) 2 »INSECT/SNAKE« if an insect or snake bites you, it injures you by making a hole in your skin  (I was bitten all over by mosquitoes.) 3 »FISH« if a fish bites, it takes food from a hook and so gets caught 4 »NOT SLIP« to hold firmly to a surface, or rest firmly against it; grip2 (1) + into  (The ski's edge should bite into the snow.) 5 »HAVE AN EFFECT« to have the effect that was intended, especially an unpleasant one  (The new tobacco taxes have begun to bite.) 6 bite your tongue to try hard to stop yourself from saying what you really think  (She was really making me angry, but I bit my tongue.) 7 bite the dust a) to die, fail, or be defeated  (a welfare programme that bit the dust following budget cuts) b) to stop working completely  (My old car's finally bitten the dust.) 8 bite the bullet informal to bravely accept something unpleasant  (Decisions have to be taken, and as director you have to bite the bullet.) 9 bite sb's head off informal to answer someone or speak to them very angrily, when there is no good reason for doing this  (I asked if she needed any help, and she bit my head off!) 10 bite off more than you can chew to try to do more than you are able to do 11 he/she won't bite spoken used to say that there is no need to be afraid of someone, especially someone in authority  (Well go and ask him - he won't bite!) 12 what's biting you/her etc? spoken used to ask why someone is annoyed or upset 13 once bitten twice shy used to say that if you have failed or been hurt once, you will be very careful next time 14 bite the hand that feeds you to harm someone who has treated you well or supported you 15 be bitten by the bug/craze etc to develop a very strong interest in or desire for...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Behaviour Intermediary Target And Evaluation mil. abbr. Built In Test Equipment univ. abbr. Business Instructional Technical Electronic univ. abbr. Business Instructional Technical And Electronic electron. abbr. Built In Test Equipment educ. abbr. Behavior Information Thought And Emotion religion abbr. The BEGINNING IS THE END religion abbr. Beginning Is The End firm name abbr. Bulldog Innovation Technical Enterprise ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. bitan (class I strong verb; past tense bat, pp. biten), from P.Gmc. *bitan, from PIE base *bheid- "to split, crack." Frostbitten is attested from 1552. To bite the bullet is 1700s military slang, from old medical custom of having the patient bite a bullet during an operation to divert attention from pain and reduce screaming. To bite (one's) tongue "refrain from speaking" is 16c. To bite the dust "die" is mid-18c. To bite off more than one can chew (c.1880) is U.S. slang, from plug tobacco. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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